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So Ronan is too weeks old, and things are becoming somewhat normal. And by “normal” I mean we get up about every four hours. And by “get up” I mean that Terry sits in a chair feeding Ronan and I periodically wake up and yell, “Do ya needz sum help?” while half-asleep.

My Mom and Dad got us home from the hospital and stayed the first week, and now Terry’s parents are here. The help is really wonderful and very appreciated. The funniest part (for me) was when we tried to empty the diaper genie for the first time. (By “we” I mean Grandpa, and by empty I mean he accidentally cut the bag open and dirty diapers were spilled all over the nursery.) Good times.

Ronan is very cute. He had is own personality as soon as he was born. I expected that he would eat, pee and poop, sleep and repeat, but he had likes and dislikes that were evident in the hospital and he communicates more each day. The “experts” say to wrap him up tightly to comfort him, but he hates that. If his arms aren’t free he goes nuts. Also doesn’t seem to like footsie clothes much, preferring pants or onesies.

One thing I didn’t expect is that clothes just don’t fit him already. His take-home outfit was fine except the matching hat didn’t fit; it was too small. In fact, Ronan hates hats. He gets all weepy if you try to put one on him.

I didn’t think outfits meant much until Terry’s hospital roommate went apeshit on her mother for daring to send over a take-home outfit that didn’t match. We were so glad to get out of there I would have dressed Ronan in that day’s copy of USA Today, but she was upset that her baby would get photographed coming in the door wearing both white AND off-white. Damn! We didn’t even take a through-the-door-for-the-first-time photo.

The experts say to sleep when Ronan sleeps, but he has his own definition of sleeping. It involves being awake a lot. When he does sleep, he’ll often go down for fifteen minutes, until I’ve nodded off and then he’ll wake up.

Hopefully soon we’ll be able to introduce him to people. We’re waiting the required six weeks to allow him to build up his own resistance to germs. You’ll have to wash your hands for 30 seconds and not have cold, recently had a cold, or feel like you’re getting a cold!

Until then, please don’t visit. We’re too tired!


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 19, 2007 9:36 AM.

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