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September 2008 Archives

September 23, 2008

Moving Along


So things are better than they were. We’re starting to slow down a bit, and I don’t feel like we’re in the midst of a constant crisis like we’ve been living since July. Terry and I have switched roles; she’s a stay-at-home Mom and I’m working.

The job is going okay; it’s teaching computers at a private school in Brooklyn. The kids are awesome; the faculty is really nice and very professional. I’m in night school for a Master’s in Television at Brooklyn College, and I haven’t posted in such a long time because I’ve been so busy. Sorry.

Ronan’s new word – “Happy! Happy! Happy!” which sounds like “Hoppy” when he says it. It’s great fun and gets Terry and I chanting “Happy! Happy! Happy!” right back at him. He seems to be speeding on the way to full-blown toddler. Our baby days are over.

The long stretch from Wednesday night to Saturday morning when I don’t see him because I’m in class at Brooklyn College wears on me. Thankfully it’s only one semester, and it some ways it works out because I’m not as tired on Saturday because unlike during the week I can sleep a little later. Terry has been wonderful letting me sleep in. Sleep doesn’t cure my missing Terry and Ronan.

I’m not in love with the new apartment, but Ronan has his own room now and we have a lot more space. The office is still too crowded. We left my office chair in the living room temporarily but now we’ve put up bookcases in the hallway and now we won’t be able to move it out without carrying it over our heads. Maybe we’ll have to leave it in the living room. It will be an oddly decorated living room.

Hopefully now that I’ve settled into my job and we’re mostly unpacked I can update the blog more. If I don’t, I’m just busy. Don’t worry about us, we’re okay.

About September 2008

This page contains all entries posted to Freaks & Geeks Parenting in September 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.

August 2008 is the previous archive.

November 2008 is the next archive.

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